Statement on the Death of George Floyd

We see death in many different forms as forensic experts, but the death of George Floyd was different. It was very apparent that on that day a police officer used unjustifiable force against someone in handcuffs. In that moment, communities were shattered. The individuals involved do not represent the scores of dedicated police officers we have worked with and trained at the Henry C. Lee Institute of Forensic Science throughout the years.

We extend our sincerest condolences to those who knew and loved George Floyd. We are sad for George Floyd, his family, and his friends. We are sad for those communities whose distrust in the criminal justice system will increase because of this tragedy. And we are sad for the law enforcement officers who go to work every day committed to doing the right thing, because they may now be viewed as being like those former officers in Minneapolis who betrayed their oath to protect and serve.

To the community, please know that we stand with you. Our commitment to empowering racial equality, playing a role in advancing the systemic reform needed across the criminal justice system, and achieving justice for all is unwavering.

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