Decoding: Forensic Investigative Genetic Genealogy

This special symposium will be held on March 17, 2023, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., organized by the Henry C. Lee Institute of Forensic Science at the University of New Haven.

The 2023 Dr. Densen Cao Spring Symposium focuses on the use of Forensic Investigative Genetic Genealogy (FIGG) in criminal investigations, proudly hosted by the Henry C. Lee Institute of Forensic Science. Since its inception in early 2018, Forensic Investigative Genetic Genealogy (FIGG) has gained widespread attention across the United States, and internationally, and has become one of the fastest-growing new investigative tools to be implemented in criminal investigations. In just five short years, FIGG has helped generate investigative leads in hundreds of cases, many of which were decades old, and perhaps would have never been resolved without the use of this revolutionary new tool. The responsible use of FIGG in law enforcement investigations involves understanding how, where, and when it can be applied, the best practices to follow when using it, and of course, legal, ethical, and privacy considerations.

During this full-day symposium, you will learn from law enforcement, forensic, and legal experts about: the key concepts and workflow of FIGG, current policies and best practices for using FIGG, implementation strategies for law enforcement and forensic professionals, the impact of FIGG in legal proceedings.

The symposium will close with a panel discussion on the lessons learned since 2018 and a pathway forward for FIGG.

Tickets are available for in-person or live virtual. Recordings will not be available on-demand after the event.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Students, interested community members, Law Enforcement, Forensic, and Legal Professionals.

Event Flyer (PDF)

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